Terra Nomad

Every day is like survival. You're my lover, not my rival.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Eragonlive shut down even though it is just a fan site

I have been playing Eragonlive for several weeks now. Fox 2000 is producing the movie and think the site infringes on the copyright, and so they have asked the webmaster to shut down the site. You can sign a petition here to ask Fox to allow the site to stay open, as it is just a fansite. I am not privy to the exact wording of the request that they sent to Nighthawk, but I was working on the wiki and enjoying the game very much.

I am asking that you sign this petition if you think it was wrong of Fox to do this. I don't know how much influence it will ultimately have on the situation, but I want to get the word out.

Fox 2000 is part of 20th Century Fox, which is owned by News Corp, Rupert Murdoch's company.

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Harry Potter RPG

Hogwartslive.com (that is my referral link) is also based on the Legend of the Green Dragon, so the gameplay is similar to Eragonlive.com (again with my referral link). This time you are trying to get Voldemort kills instead of Galbatorix kills. Speaking of which, I have been doing some work on the wiki for Eragonlive lately, but it seems I am the only one.

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Monday, July 17, 2006

I haven't slipped into another dimension

Ignore that last post (now removed) entitled 'misc blog entry material'. It's just a list I started a long time ago of things I should blog about. I usually save it as a draft, but I hit the publish button by mistake.

I have found two new online games to satiate my KOL thirst: Muffins and Cities.

Muffins is a direct KOL rip-off - which they freely admit - that I have been playing for about a week.

I just started playing Cities today, which I found due to a strange, twisted webtrail starting with the party stunt/game Snaps. Cities seems like a standard RPG so far where you have equipment, adventures and quests.

Have I mentioned here before that my niece and I got into some Trading Card games a few months ago? She had been collecting Lord of the Rings cards for a while, but we bought a starter kit for Harry Potter and then we flew down the slippery slope from there. We play two different Star Wars ones now as well. I have a few random cards from other games that I want to combine into one huge, geeky deck and figure out a way to play a game using it.

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Monday, April 10, 2006

Repeat adventure script for KOL - courtesy of SolarFlare

Originated by Ohayou and working in Firefox:

javascript: function A(w){ if(/hypnotist|baio|crazy
bastard/i.test(w.document.body.innerHTML)) return; var
i,j,r=[],f=w.document.forms[0]; function q(n,v) {
r.push(n+'='+escape(v)) } if(f) {
for(i=0;i<f.length;i++) { with(f.elements[i])
if(type.substring(0,6)=='select') { j=-1;
while(++j<length) if(options[j].selected)
q(name,options[j].value) } else
q(name,value); }
i=f.getAttribute('action')+'?'+r.join('&'); } else {
if(i.substring(0,9)!='adventure') {
i='campground.php'; n=1; } } if(--n)
with(mainpane.document) { open();
0}</script><frameset cols=*
name=x src="'+i+'">'); close() } else
return void 0 } if(n=prompt('Number of clicks?','10')) A(mainpane)

Here is the same type of thing for IE, but I have not tested it yet. It seems to be the work of many different people:
javascript:if(typeof overNover=='function')overNover(); else{(D=document.createElement('script')).setAttribute('src', 'http://users.adelphia.net/~dramatix01/scripts/r.js');void top.document.body.appendChild(D)}

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Tuesday, June 28, 2005

KOL is complete

Back when I started playing Kingdom of Loathing (over a year ago), there was a plan in place to reset the entire game as soon as all of the bugs were worked out. This meant that any items, meat and accomplishments you had gained would all be lost. Over time this plan changed into Ascension, which means that you keep your stuff with limited access to it for 1000 turns and all your stats are reset to your starting numbers. So we waited, and waited, and waited until finally there was rumor that testing of the ascension code would begin in March. I assumed April 1st would be the glorious day, but it came and went with fun in-game events, but no word on ascension. Alas, we had to wait until June 8th for the chance to battle the Naughty Sorceress and see all of the cool new post-ascension content and get the chance to change our race.

I started out with six characters, but I let my Turtle Tamer atrophy and it has probably been deleted by now. Today I ascended my fourth character which is my Pastamancer, and it only leaves my Disco Bandit unascended. The new content is everything that was promised, with new challenges, jokes and items. You now get to pick an astrological sign and it affects an entire region of the map, including some of the quests that are required of you.

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Saturday, September 04, 2004

ooh, ooh, ooh!

The Pickle Factory is open in KOL today! It's a rare zone that has only opened once before. Time to make some cash!

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Thursday, May 27, 2004


You haven't gone to Kingdom of Loathing and created a character yet, have you? Why not? I told you it was fun. You never listen to me!

Seriously, this is the funnest game ever. I have 4 characters right now, soelo - kali49a - yertle the turtle - Drew Carey

soelo just reached level 7 today and yertle will probably hit it in the next few days. kali is sucking it in level 5 right now, but I just bought her some cool stuff. Drew was the last one I created and is only about a week old, but is already at 4.

The game is funny, challenging and just awesome.

I just found the secret code to the leaflet for soelo and yertle and got my load of meat and 100 extra stats. I also got a meat globe and got some more meat and 100 more stats. How cool am I?

One of the things I like about the game is that you have an option to fight the other players or not. You have a hippy stone and if you smash it, you can attack others and they can attack you. I have smashed it for two of my chics, but I don't PvP very well, yet. (player vs player, i.e. fight)

Also, you have clans that you can join and they give you things and you can contribute things you don't need anymore. One of my clans gives me like 25 beers a week. If you drink too much though, you can't play. You can eat until you're full, and everything you eat and drink gives you some more adventures and sometimes stats.

So, now I have convinced you, you should go set up an account and let me know your character's name.

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Sunday, May 09, 2004

The Kingdom of Loathing

The Kingdom of Loathing is a funky little game you can play online. You adventure around and pick up items, fight things, go on quests, etc.

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