Terra Nomad

Every day is like survival. You're my lover, not my rival.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Official ___s of my California Road Trip

Car: a silver Pontiac Grand Prix
Ripoff: Gas at $3.30/gallon
Snack food: Pumpkin Seeds from Trader Joe's
Radio Song: Girl Next Door by Saving Jane
Radio Artist: Gwen Stefani - Rich Girl and Hollaback Girl played all the time
Radio Station: KRUZ 97.5 in Santa Barbara
Drug Store: Walgreens (one on every corner)
Place to meet locals: Mass Transit
Attained Goal: actual wildlife sightings - sea lions and elephant seals
Commercial: the Ford one with the American Idol guy
Street Name: Mission - every city has a Mission Ave, St or Blvd
Politician: Schwarzenegger who seems to be up for reelection soon

Celebrity Death that I had nothing to do with: Aaron Spelling. I had been in Beverly Hills that day, but I was not thinking of him!



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