Terra Nomad

Every day is like survival. You're my lover, not my rival.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I had the following dream on Saturday night:

There were two brown recluse spiders, a male and female, loose in the apartment where the dream took place. The male was the size of a human hand and looked like a white crab instead of a spider, and the female was tiny. She was made up of 3 or four tiny brown things shaped like toilet plungers, but they were only about a half an inch long. I knew they were dangerous, and my sister's grey kitty was trying to attack the female, so I shooed the cat away when the female bit me on my left hand. In the dream, I knew it was a fatal bite, but someone told me I would be okay, and it was no worse than a bee sting. I looked on my hand, which was hurting by this time, to see a big slash, two teardrop shaped wounds and two puncture wounds. We kept trying to trap the two spiders, but they kept escaping out of the cups and jars we'd catch them in.

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  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger Scooter said…

    At least it wasn't a daddy longlegs. They're the most poisonous spiders in the world - it's just that they're mouths aren't big enough for them to get their fangs out to bite someone.



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