Terra Nomad

Every day is like survival. You're my lover, not my rival.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Conspiracy Theory

This morning's dream:
My sister had a moving violation of some kind and had me drive her to the DMV, which was on a busy corner with a small parking lot. I parked in a spot with a sign that said "Speeding 1", and when we came out, my car was gone. I went back, in furious that they had towed my car and talked to the woman behind the counter. The Impound lot was in the same building as the DMV and I demanded my car back, saying they'd stolen it. She kept mumbling something and I asked her to repeat it several times until finally she yelled, "I don't have a turban on! I didn't steal your car!". I was shocked, and I saw that the next person in line was a woman from work who is Middle Eastern. I said to the woman behind the counter, "I can't believe you just said that. That's so racist and this woman is Middle Eastern!" At that moment a couple came out from a room where the guy had obviously had to take some sort of test to get his license back. I recognized him as another person from my job, but he was black in my dream even though he's white in real life. The woman he was with also used to work with me. I start yelling about how the DMV and Impound lot was conspiring against people who work at AT&T.



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